Serenity Science

Start your journey

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In this course, you'll get:

  • Mind-blowing M1 Experience content on my E-Learning Center Revolution site.

  • 12 weeks in a private Facebook group community with me and all your fellow classmates

  • 2 Live Q&A Sessions with me per month to get feedback regarding the material!! (Max time for each Q&A will be 90 minutes)

  • One year access to the course so you can revisit the content at any time!

  • Access to powerful tools and healing devices to enhance your wellness goals

  • How to use “hidden” healthy protocols that no one is telling you about. This stuff is not on the news or in your doctor’s office. This is what I do with my patients, and you can learn some of these secrets as well.

© Dr. Stephanie Rimka 2023 | All rights Reserved.